
Saints row 3 best cars
Saints row 3 best cars

saints row 3 best cars saints row 3 best cars

Unlike the other specialists, these usually come in pairs on the back of cars, so using the tank to destroy the car they are behind will take out two at a time, allowing you to get this challenge rather quickly. Start using it to destroy Decker vehicles and soon enough they will start bringing out the rollerblading girls with the hammers. Cause a ruckus to bring out the Decker’s and SWAT and grab the tank when it arrives. Much like the “destroy 25 tanks” challenge, go to a Decker controlled territory that you HAVE NOT taken full control of. The airport offers the most wide open area without the worry of any traffic interrupting your run. The best place to get this is to take a Kenshin or equally fast bike to the airport and burn up and down the runway while pulling back on the left stick to bring the front wheel up and pull a wheelie.

Saints row 3 best cars